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The Most New Healthcare Note in Treatment Plan

Medially Reviewed: Dr Gideon Kwok

Image Credit: Canva


Key Takeaways

  • Juggling Act in Healthcare Note: Wouldn’t it be funny if our hero had to write down everything in real time while he was fighting the villains? The audience would be in stitches. The one person no laughing would be our hero. Well, that’s what it’s like for healthcare workers, especially in mental health care. They have to listen carefully to their patients while also making sure they write down important stuff.
  • Old School vs. New School: Think of it like this – in the old days, doctors would talk into a recorder, like spies in a Mel Brooks movie.; (come on! Don’t ask me who Mel Brooks is). Then, later on, someone would have to type everything out, which took a lot of time, and more often than one liked, mistakes happened. Not cool, right? But now, they have digital tools to record things right away, like taking a quick note on their phone. It’s faster, but there’s still a problem.
  • The Digital Dream: Picture this: the doctor quickly types notes on a computer while dramatic music plays in the background; think Wagner’s “Ride of the Valkyries” (trust me; it’s better than Rap). They hope that all this info will go straight into a big digital file that keeps track of everything about the patient. But sometimes, it doesn’t quitehappen that way. There’s still a lot of manual work involved, which slows things down.


Step right up, folks! Remember what Hugh Jackman had to do at the beginning of Swordfish? Yep; he had to crack a code for John Travolta. In 60 seconds. While – let’s just say – being “distracted”. Well, welcome to the world of healthcare , where getting the right information can often feel like cracking a secret code! Let’s make a different blockbuster. Let’s say Hugh Jackman is now a therapist or a doctor, and he has to juggle between listening intently to his patient and scribbling down notes in a furiously frenzied danced of pencil on paper. But no hand, not even in Greek mythology, could write faster than thought, or even the spoken word. Every now and  then, the doctor is bound to miss a crucial detail or jot down something totally off-track! Enter technology, our medical superhero’s trusty sidekick, to save the day! In this blog, we’re going to look at how technology, especially Artificial Intelligence (AI), is changing the game in healthcare note-taking. Ready to join the adventure? Bring out the popcorn and settle down!

Healthcare’s Talking Time: The Old Way of Writing Stuff Down

In the ancient past when doctors had grey, well oiled hair, wore really long white coats and horn-rimmed glasses, and the human eye only evolved enough to see everything in sepia-tone, doctors had to write down everything about their patients, and used to talk it out loud first. Then, someone – mostly young lady stenographers and medical transcriptionists (very misogynist era, that) –would write it down for them. This was how they kept track of who needed what in their care.

But guess what? Those girls weren’t perfect. Sometimes, things got mixed up or written down wrong. Plus, they could sometimes take a lot of time and that made the doctors’ jobs even harder. They had to spend inordinate amounts of time reviewing and correcting and re-writing instead of helping patients.

Healthcare Note

Breaking Boundaries: Problems with Traditional Doctor’s Notes

Writing down what doctors say has a lot of problems. If the doctor doesn’t speak clearly or if the person writing isn’t good at typing, mistakes will happen. And it just does take time to write everything down, which can slow things down for patients.

Digital Dictation: A Leap Forward in Healthcare Recording

For many decades, doctors talked, and someone wrote it all down. But then, as if someone had put on the wrong spool on the projector, the scene suddenly changed. Along came digital dictation, and now, doctors could record what they said, and it got typed up faster. Which made storing and finding patient information so much easier. But still, people made mistakes typing it all up.

Joining Forces: Digital Dictation and Electronic Health Records (EHR)

Digital dictation got even better when it started working with EHRs. This meant everything about patients could be stored in one place. But, someone was still having to type it all in, and we know the pretty stenographers take time (not to mention frequent gossip breaks).

Cue AI-Powered Note-Taking, the superhero’s superpower

While digital dictation was getting better, something altogether different and much was amazing was beginning to happen. Artificial Intelligence (AI) started helping out. It’s like this big huge massive ginormous change in how doctors create their notes! AI can “listen” to what the doctor says and write it down without making mistakes like people do.

AI to the Rescue: Faster and More Accurate Notes

AI is super smart. It uses clever algorithms to accurately generate the text of what doctor had said. This means notes get done quicker and with fewer mistakes. And the more AI “learns”, the better it gets at not making mistakes.

Organizing Chaos: AI’s Role in Data Management

AI doesn’t just write things down; it also sorts them out. This helps keep patient information organized and easy to locate and access. Doctors can then use this information to make better decisions about treatments.

Healthcare Pros Love AI!

Thanks to AI taking care of note-taking, doctors and nurses an chave more time for patients. This means better patient care and happier healthcare workers.

Better Chats, Better Care

By taking over the notes creation and management activity, AI helps doctors have more productive conversations with their patients, leading to clearer engagements, more accurate diagnoses, and personalized care

Healthcare Note

“Your Secret’s Safe with AI”

AI note-taking must keep patient info safe. Implementation of rules like HIPAA helps, making sure patient data stays private and secure.

The Future Looks Bright for AI in Healthcare Notes

AI is driving the future of healthcare notes. Think super smart AI, telemedicine teamwork, and predicting health stuff.

Future Care: Think Ahead!

AI might predict health problems from notes, making personalized care plans. This could mean better care for sick folks sooner.

Making Everything Work Together

Healthcare tech needs to work together smoothly. It’s getting better, with AI helping different systems talk to each other.

Train Up for Top AI Use

Healthcare peeps need to learn how to use AI notes right. The more they know, the better they’ll be at helping patients.

Doing Right by AI: The Ethics

As AI grows, we are going to have to pay a lot more attention to the ethics governing its use. AI should help, not replace, human decisions in healthcare.

Wrapping It Up: A New Era in Healthcare Notes

From talking out loud to AI magic, healthcare notes are undergoing a metamorphosis. It’s not just about notes; it’s about better care and a more seamless healthcare journey.

Join the Digital Healthcare Revolution!

Healthcare’s going digital with AI. It’s a big deal that’ll change how we take care of people for years to come.


As we journey through the digital transformation of healthcare, one thing is becoming abundantly clear: AI is revolutionizing the way we care for patients and manage their medical documentation. From streamlining note-taking to enhancing patient-doctor interactions, AI is reshaping the entire healthcare experience.

But it’s not just about efficiency; it’s about improving patient outcomes and fostering a stronger connection between caregivers and those they serve. As AI continues to evolve and integrate into healthcare systems, we’re on the brink of a new era where technology and human expertise work hand in hand to deliver better health outcomes for all.

So let’s embrace this digital revolution, and be secure in the knowledge that AI isn’t here to replace us but to augment our abilities and elevate the standard of care. Together, we’re shaping a future where healthcare is more personalized, efficient, and patient-focused than ever before.

Healthcare Note

MarkiTech.AI is a team of over 50 software engineers, data scientists and clinicians plus other health practitioners who have developed over 40 digital health solutions in the last 10 years such as SenSights.AI, Veyetals.comand which focus on helping older adults and their caregivers like family, physicians, nurses etc., age in place, reduce costs and improve revenue opportunities.

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